1. Download the Hack
Last Update:

2.Start the Hack (Win Vista/7/8 as Administrator)
3.Press Skip Ads…
3.Press Skip Ads…
4. Press on the Button [...] for selecting your CrossFire folder. When the folderbrowser pops up, select your main CrossFire folder and press OK.
5. Press on the “Inject” Button….
6. Start your CrossFire Version normally...
7. With Insert you can Show/Hide the Ingame Menue. With your arrows and your mouse you can control the Menue.
Notice: Ingame press ESC for showing your mouse!
Mouse Control:Just click on the Features for activate/deactivate it.
Arrow Control:Left -> On
Right -> OffUp -> Feature before
Down -> Next Feature
Right -> OffUp -> Feature before
Down -> Next Feature
Video of the Hack: